Thursday, July 8, 2010

Long Time No See!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hey everybody... so for all those who do follow my blog, I know I haven't been posting very regularly. I got caught up in finishing up the year and was traveling for lots of the initial part of summer!

Anyways, I hope that for the rest of summer, I'll be on and posting a lot more!

This post will be about a video I found on another blog I follow. Here's the link to the video

Seeing the composition of a lot of medical schools across Canada, I think that this video really hits home on a lot of us. While I am in a slightly different situation since I was born here, I can still appreciate the difficulties and the tribulations that my parents had gone through in order to make a new life in Canada, the one where their children could have limitless opportunities and a secure place to grow up in.

I remember stories of what my mother used to tell me, how she came to Canada for the first time and couldn't stop crying everyday for the first few months. How she had left everything behind, her friends, her family, her hard-earned position in her previous career all to come to a brand new country, where she had no friends, no relatives, no secure job and reforge a new life.

It really strikes me that I have never even though of how difficult life could have been for our parents. How what we achieved now, couldn't even be possible without the work that our parents had done for us. While I like to believe sometimes that it was my hard work that got me into medicine, where would I have been had my parents not found the courage to abandon their old life and come to a new land where opportunities were available to their children? I suppose I'll end this post with a message of thanks to my parents and to their courage in abandoning everything to come to Canada.

I will try and post more often now that I am back in school. I've also been playing a lot of Starcraft 2 (I got picked into Beta!) lately and I might be trying some projects with that. Perhaps starting a fanpage for strategic discussion or maybe integrating that here!


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